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What kind of
THE Event iN Hiroshima?

ISLS Hiroshima Local Events include the following activities during the Annual Meeting:

  • Lunch DIalogue for Reflection on the Morning Sessions

  • Daily Short Tours around the Venue

    • A-Bomb Dorm & Peace Memorial Park​

    • Peace Memorial Museum

    • Hiroshima Castle

  • International Workshop: Learning Sciences Contributions toward Peace and Justice



  • 毎日の午前中のセッションを振り返るランチ

  • ​会場周辺のショートツアー

    • 原爆ドーム&平和記念公園​

    • 広島平和記念資料館

    • ​広島城

  • 国際ワークショップ:​学習科学が平和と正義のためにできることを考える​


  • Twitter - White Circle
  • Facebook - White Circle

Tours & Workshop

Let's have short trips around the Venue (International Conference Center Hiroshima) for 90 min between the sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

We will finally discuss how the Learning Scientists can contribute education and learning toward peace and justice in a workshop on Friday





The Atom Bomb Dome


the Atom bomb dome
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Visit Hiroshima's Monument for Praying Peace

Atomic Bomb Dome or Genbaku Dorm is a part of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. The dorm was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The ruin serves as a memorial to the over 140,000 people who died in the first atomic bombing at the end of World War II. The original hall was designed by Czech architect Jan Letzel and called Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall. It has been preserved almost exactly as it was at the time of the atomic bombing and still serves as a peace monument that conveys the horrors of nuclear weapons and emphasizes the importance of peace to future generations.


Peace Memorial Park is located near the Atomic Bomb Dome and is a civic park with cenotaphs and monuments to wish peace for mankind to the world and to prevent the repetition of past mistakes. The Peace Memorial Ceremony is held here every year on August 6, and a moment of silence is observed at 8:15 a.m. when the atomic bomb was dropped.





Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

Study what we must learn toward international peace

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, located adjacent to the International Conference Center, has exhibits designed to convey the devastation caused by the atomic bombing to future generations. The East Wing contains exhibits on the history of Hiroshima City and the historical background of the atomic bombing, while the Main Wing contains exhibits on the human and material damage.

The wristwatch that is said to have been worn by a hibakusha (victim) actually stopped at the time of the bombing (8:15 a.m.), and is kept as a very valuable document. Many Japanese children visit here on school trips to learn about peace.



Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum



Hiroshima Castle

Hiroshima castle


Hiroshima Castle is the restoration of the old castle that was destroyed by Atomic Bomb. The original castle which was designated as a national treasure had been constructed in the 1590s and was called "Carp Castle." The Castle was rebuilt in 1958, a replica of the original that now serves as a museum of Hiroshima's history before World War II.


Lunch for

Between the online sessions, we will have a dialogue session to reflect on the morning sessions. Let's have lunch a fruitful dialogue to share the thoughts together!

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